Ankylo Merchant License
Become a Member of the "Ankylo Merchant League"!
With this option you become a Member of the "Ankylo Merchant League" and so get the permission to sell physical copies (not the stls) of the Ankylo Miniature Range for as long as you are Member of the "Ankylo Merchant League".
Additionally you support the creative work of Ankylo Miniatures to publish more nice sculpts.
For now there are two complete warmaster armys available (Magma Dwarfs and Vermin Clans). Additionally there are a good amount of ogre sculpts available and the range of miniatures will grow.
All sculpts come pre-supported (if the miniature need support) and unsupported.
The Warmaster units are based on small strips but all miniatures come also as single miniatures for use in other gaming systems.
The miniatures that are suitable for warmaster / minihammer are scaled 10mm/15mm and are especially designed for this size.
This is the merchant license.
To print and sell the physical miniatures, you have to buy the stls that you want to print.
A Merchant License for all Ankylo Miniatures available